Executive Education

Expand your career potential by gaining expertise from industry professionals who have actually done it...

Our Principal Broker, Coleman Rector, is one of the founding members of the RE3 Institute of Real Estate Executive Education which was developed to provide many of the same technical and analytical skills as those taught in leading graduate real estate programs around the country but does so in a more focused and cost effective manner.

The RE3 Institute was created by instructors from three of the leading real estate Masters programs in the country:

Johns Hopkins University

Georgetown University

George Mason University

Course offerings include our Seminar Series of five courses designed to give students an in depth, multidisciplinary overview of real estate development from land acquisition, financing, construction, development, leasing and operations. We also offer Boot Camps, which are one or two day intensive learning sessions meant to drive skills within a particular aspect of our industry, such as finance, accounting and more.

The RE3 Institute also designs custom programs for corporations and businesses that need specialized education or skills development for their professional staff. For more information on custom curriculum development for your organization or university, please contact us at 1-888-277-4898.


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